List all orders on the SubAccount per product
Signature generation
EIP712Domain: [
name: 'name', // rysk
type: 'string',
name: 'version', // "0.0.0"
type: 'string',
name: 'chainId',
type: 'uint256',
name: 'verifyingContract', // <OrderDispatchAddress>
type: 'address',
SignedAuthentication: {
name: "account",
type: "address",
name: "subAccountId",
type: "uint8",
Example response:
"id": "0x123456", // Unique identifier for the order
"productId": 1002, // Identifier for the product
"productSymbol": "ethperp", // Symbol for the product
"account": "0x123456", // Account address associated with the order
"subAccountId": 0, // Subaccount identifier
"isBuy": true, // Indicates if the order is a buy order (true) or sell order (false)
"orderType": 1, // Type of the order (e.g., limit, market)
"timeInForce": 1, // Time in force policy (e.g., GTC, IOC)
"price": "50000000000000000000000", // Price of the order in e18 decimals
"quantity": "1000000000000000000", // Quantity of the order in e18 decimals
"nonce": 123456789, // Unique number to prevent replay attacks
"sender": "0x456", // Address of the sender
"signature": "0x123456...", // Signature for verifying the order
"expiry": 1625812800000, // Expiry time of the order in milliseconds since epoch
"txHash": "0x1234abcd...", // Transaction hash associated with the order
"createdAt": 1625812800000, // Creation time of the order in milliseconds since epoch
"status": "OPEN", // Current status of the order: OPEN, FILLED, CANCELLED
"residualQuantity": "500000000000000000", // Remaining quantity of the order in e18 decimals
"trades": [ // List of trades associated with the order
"price": "50000000000000000000000", // Price of the trade in e18 decimals
"quantity": "500000000000000000", // Quantity of the trade in e18 decimals
"isTaker": true, // Indicates if the trade was executed by the taker (true) or maker (false)
"fee": "10000000000000000", // Fee for the trade in e18 decimals
"createdAt": 1625812800000, // Timestamp of the trade in milliseconds since epoch
"uid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // Unique identifier for the trade